Editor’s note: This post was originally published on July 14th, 2020 and was updated on July 15th, 2021, for accuracy and comprehensiveness. Does your Personal Injury law firm invest in digital marketing? If you haven’t yet looked into the benefits of Facebook Ads, you might be missing out on an opportunity to sign more cases […]
Editor’s note: This post was originally published in July 3rd, 2020 and was updated on August 17th, 2020 for accuracy and comprehensiveness. COVID-19 has impacted our personal and business lives in numerous ways, but what’s the pandemic’s impact on digital marketing for Personal Injury Attorneys? Since the beginning of the pandemic, we’ve seen our lives […]
Facebook Ads is a powerful tool for law firms and all companies, to drive traffic, conversions, and sales, but what happens when #Hitpauseonhate becomes viral? In previous articles, we have explored Facebook Ads for law firms and their contribution to your success with digital marketing. Today, we won’t just cover additional options or tips on […]
Does your law firm handle Workers Compensation cases? This guide gives you 7 simple, effective, and actionable tips that will help you increase your caseload. Carefully optimized and executed PPC campaigns is the best way to increase your Workers Comp cases and maximize your Return On Digital Marketing Investment. By running WC Google Ads for […]
Are you an Attorney handling Personal Injury Cases? If you are not actively investing in PPC, you are missing out on an excellent opportunity to increase your caseload We live in a continually changing social and economic environment where digital is gaining ground in every aspect of our lives. In the past, Personal Injury Attorneys […]
Does your law firm need new clients on a regular basis? No? Alright, well thanks for stopping by. For everyone else, one of the easiest ways you can consistently generate new clients for your law firm is by running Google Ads. The long list of advantages includes everything from a predictable budget to the potential […]
There have never been more options for marketing your law firm. You can buy space on benches, the sides of buses, billboards, and even grocery store receipts. If you live in the 21st century, though, you can also invest in online marketing that is more affordable and reaches more prospects. But, even then, you’ll run […]
This year, SMX was different; instead of a live, in-person event, we attended a 2-days online event. Today, we’ll share our highlights from day 2. This June, the Search Marketing Expo (SMX) took place online, in a 2-days event, featuring some of the biggest names of in digital marketing. Our recap for SMX day 1 […]
SMX is a series of digital marketing events, featuring high profile keynote speakers. We’re following this year’s June event, and we’ve gathered the highlights of the first day. Search Marketing Expo (SMX) is one of the most prominent series of digital marketing events, normally taking place in different venues across the globe, including the US. […]
Did you know that your ROI might be at stake if you don’t control your clicks’ sources? Click fraud is real and you need to shield your law firm and protect your PPC investment. Imagine seeing your budget depleted in a day without getting any genuine interest from the clicks, and of course, no valid […]
Would it make life a lot easier if your law firm were able to effortlessly generate new clients on a regular basis? (Hint: yes). Would it help profitability if you didn’t have to spend so much money on acquiring these new clients? (Again, the answer is “yes”) What if you could focus on clients who […]
Everyone knows that growing a business means understanding which demographics will help it grow the most. And yet, many law firms don’t segment their markets to include important cultural differentiators. Instead, most only focus on age, gender, and location. This is a huge mistake, though, as the U.S. Hispanic population is arguably the most important […]
For decades, the most important marketing mediums for law firms were television and radio. Of course, a few other options deserved attention, too. The sides of buses and the benches people sat on when waiting for them were always popular. Obviously, billboards did really well in certain markets, too. But nothing compared to getting in […]
Back in 1979, the Buggles fatefully informed the world that, sadly, “Video killed the radio star.” (Moment of silence) Fast forward more than 40 years, and it appears video is up to its old tricks. Since COVID-19 began ruining everything, the popularity of video calls has skyrocketed for everything from interacting with others face-to-face (whether […]
Are you an Attorney handling Immigration Cases? June 18, signaled a great win for DACA and you should be prepared for the new cases that require your help. Thursday, June 18, will be staying in history as a great win for equal chances and the young generations. DACA stands for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, […]
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