Do you handle Personal Injury cases? With this guide, you’ll get 7 proven ways that will help you sign more PI cases for your law firm. Do you wonder what’s the digital marketing strategy that yields the best ROI for Personal Injury law firms? Based on our experience, the best way to increase your PI […]
Does your law firm handle Workers Compensation cases? This guide gives you 7 simple, effective, and actionable tips that will help you increase your caseload. Carefully optimized and executed PPC campaigns is the best way to increase your Workers Comp cases and maximize your Return On Digital Marketing Investment. By running WC Google Ads for […]
There have never been more options for marketing your law firm. You can buy space on benches, the sides of buses, billboards, and even grocery store receipts. If you live in the 21st century, though, you can also invest in online marketing that is more affordable and reaches more prospects. But, even then, you’ll run […]
Editor’s note: This post was originally published on June 20th, 2020, and was updated on July 23rd, 2021, for accuracy and comprehensiveness. What is a landing page, and how is it associated with your law firm’s Google Ads campaigns. In this article, we’ll explore the value of landing pages, and we’ll explain why you shouldn’t […]
Today, we’ll dive into the complex world of Google Ads, we’ll explore the main challenges law firms face with their PPC campaigns, and we’ll develop actionable tips for success in legal PPC. Think of paid search in general, and Google Ads precisely, as a marketplace, where demand determines prices. Then, take into consideration that more […]
One of the most common mistakes law firms make with their paid clicks is sending them to their home page. Having a successful paid digital strategy has many components, such as keyword research, segmentation, and copywriting, among many other factors that will determine if you will be competitive in your market or not. However, for once, […]
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