Did you want your share of the $340m Google offered to small businesses in Ad Credits? How does Google hand out the Ad credits, and what should you do with it?

Back in April, Google announced its initiative to support SMBs with $340m in Ad Credits. In our previous article, we explained all you need to know about the Google grant for your law firm. Today it’s time to give you an update on the process, explore the questions you need to ask before spending your Ad credit and come up with actionable tips on how to make the most out of it.

Google is starting to gradually roll out Ad credits to eligible advertisers. Last week, on May 27, they started crediting accounts with a billing address in New Zealand, so now, a few weeks in advance, it’s the perfect timing to prepare your game plan.

Why do they roll the credit out in phases?

According to their official statement, Google is launching the initiative in phases to create the required infrastructure and ensure that the company can handle all details and needs without issues.

Remember: There was no application process. If you have an active Google Ads account you should expect ad credit.

How much will my law firm’s ad credit be?

It depends on your historical data, and your ad spent during the previous years. The first reports we’ve been gathering talk about all different ad credits, up to the maximum amount of $1000.

  • How do I know if I got the ad credit?

You will get an official email from Google to your admin email. If you are working with a Google Partners agency, you are still eligible, and you should consult your partners for future steps.

What are the questions you need to ask before spending your credit?

  1. Have you added new services to your law firm?

There is a wide range of reasons why we expect a law firm to add new services right now. They might vary from online intake procedures to new practice areas. If your firm is, for example, capable of handling bankruptcy cases, it might be the time to invest in Google Ads for bankruptcy. The same applies to family law. As people and the economy are expected to gradually bounce back, these practice areas might see an increase. If you didn’t previously run campaigns on them, the ad credit is a great way for you to start investing in them and yield the initial return on your investment.

  1. Are you investing in your brand awareness?

The traditional ways to raise brand awareness for your law firm are through TV, Radio, or even Billboards. Tides have turned, though, and nowadays we are living in an increasingly digital world. Have you considered investing in the options Google offers for brand awareness? YouTube Ads for law firms, if done right, are ideal for that purpose. If you don’t already work with a video production agency, you can create your video with Google’s free Video Builder, and get in front of your local audience with a powerful, branded message.

  1. Do you get exceptional return on investment from a specific campaign?

If you do, that’s fantastic news. You can use the ad credit to increase your budget and explore the possibility of improving the return even further. How to identify your top-performing campaign? Don’t simply look at traditional metrics such as impressions and clicks. Understand which campaign brings you the most signed cases and use the ad credit on it.

  1. Do Hispanics represent a significant part of your region?

Exploring the Search Network with PPC in English is the first choice for the majority of law firms, but have you looked into your local Hispanic market? Google Ads in Spanish, can yield amazing results with just a fraction of the cost. US Hispanics are digital-native and mobile power users, and therefore can be the ideal prospective clients for your law firm. As soon as they need your services, they will search online and perform an action that will potentially lead to a newly signed client. If you haven’t tried Spanish Google Ads, your Ad Credit is perfect for your initial step. 

  1. What about geotargeting?

Monitor your Ads, especially their performance during the last two or three months. Identify which areas gigging you the best results. Additionally, you should also research your competitors. Are there signs of putting their focus on a particular location? These might be indicators of a chance to attract more prospective clients, and thus you can look into the possibility of dedicating your Ad Credit to a specific location.

  1. Can you fuel your Display Ads?

Do you use the Google Display network for your law firm’s digital marketing? That’s a particularly interesting opportunity for your law firm, especially to use your Ad Credit. Generally, the Google Display Network has a cheaper CPC than the Search Network and can be an efficient tool for remarketing. Use it to retarget individuals who browsed your website, or to remarket to people who visited specific locations around you. These could be, for example, a repair shop if you are a personal injury attorney, or a marriage counselor if you practice family law.  


Google already started rolling out the first phase of the $340m grant it announced a while ago. It is important to conduct your research in advance and identify the ideal opportunity for your law firm. Set your clear, work with your partners, and use the Ad Credit in a meaningful way for your legal digital marketing.