COVID-19 has been affecting our lives in every given way, from personal to business, from social gatherings to work-related meetings. If you are an attorney handling bankruptcy cases, this one is for you as we’ll uncover the pandemic’s impact on PPC for bankruptcy law firms. 

From the first day that the COVID-19 pandemic started ruling our lives and changed the way we perceive normality, we’ve been monitoring the changes and the impact on PPC for various practice areas. In previous articles, we explored the effect of COVID-19 on PPC for Injury and WC Law Firms, PPC for Personal Injury Attorneys, and PPC for Immigration Attorneys. In today’s article, we’ll dig into the developments and opportunities of PPC for Bankruptcy law Attorneys. If you follow our blog, you already know why you should start investing in Google Ads for your bankruptcy practice, so this is your chance to shed some light on the current environment. 

  • We’ll start by reviewing some of the essential high intent keywords for law firms handling bankruptcy cases.

Experts have been expecting a surge in bankruptcy cases, especially in Chapter 7 and Chapter 13, due to the recession-related to COVID-19, the lockdown, and decreased economic circulation. Let’s understand what happened to search intent by looking at the keyword trends and search volumes. 

We’ll first look into the search query chapter 7 attorney. If we look at January and February, we notice the peak in search volumes. Rith after that, March signaled the first wave of the pandemic, and we see a drop in interest, as shown in the graph. This downward trend kept going till May, to be replaced by a significant increase in June, and a further in July with volumes close to the yearly high.  

The situation isn’t different when we look at the graph for chapter 13 attorney. Search volumes have now recovered and are steadily on the upward trend. What does this mean for your bankruptcy law firm? That if you didn’t stop your PPC efforts, you are now two steps ahead of the competition. Why? Because when attributing quality score, Google considers historical data and ad longevity. This, however, doesn’t mean that you should be discouraged if you’re not already investing. Now is the time to catch the wave and attract the prospective clients that experts expect to keep rising.

  • Next, we’ll look at the search query bankruptcy attorney near me.

Like what we saw for the previous two keywords, January was one of the best months in recent years. The graph shows a notable drop in volumes for March and April, but May was the first month to recover, and since then, we have been monitoring a stabilized environment. What’s important to mention here is that most queries come from mobile devices, which shows higher intent and increased conversions chances. Traffic is not close to its peak, but as the economic situation and the pandemic evolve further, we will keep monitoring it. We expect an increase and a continuous upward trend for the next months. 

Tip: Did you know that Display Ads can help you increase your brand awareness by getting in front of prospective clients? And the best part is that you can achieve that at a fraction of the cost compared to traditional media.

  • What about search volumes for high intent keywords for bankruptcy law firms in Spanish?

The next graphs that we’ll review are related to two of the highest intent queries for bankruptcy attorneys who want to sign Hispanic clients. Starting from the more general, abogado de bancarrota, we come across the same initial evidence. January and February were the top months of the rolling year. March and April showed a drop, with volumes, however, staying close to the ones in November and December, while since May, we notice an ongoing upward trend that brings close to historical highs. 

The next search phrase for Hispanics who are looking for a bankruptcy attorney is the more specific abogado de bancarrota cerca de mi (or, in other words, bankruptcy attorney near me). The overall volumes here are significantly lower, but the intent is even higher, probably the highest we could ask for. Here we notice a more evident drop for March and April, something that changed since May, and July is almost at January’s levels. The critical aspect here is that mobile volumes are lower than usual, which might mean that Latinx are at home, potentially due to the economic downturn and therefore searching from their desktop and not mobile devices. We consider Hispanics your best chance for new signed bankruptcy cases at a competitive CPA, but why? Generally, they are among the demographics that experts believe to be less economically stable. A percentage of them might have been small business owners on the verge of bankruptcy or employees who lost their jobs and struggled with their finances. They represent your opportunity to do what you like doing the most as lawyers, help, and at the same time, increase your caseload with valuable cases for your bankruptcy firm.  

Tip: To maximize your campaign’s efficiency, you need to have a click fraud prevention strategy in place.  

Fact: Don’t send your valuable new leads to your homepage or other generic web pages. Use specific landing pages for your law firm to boost your conversions and help you sign more new clients. 

If you’ve reached that far in our article about the impact of COVID-19 on bankruptcy PPC, you already understand the value of bilingual Google Ads for your law firm. Now is your chance to catch the wave and start signing new cases with bankruptcy law PPC campaigns in English and Spanish.  

Please note that we’ll keep you updated with every change in search volumes for the keywords, and we’ll publish new evidence regularly. 

What are the key takeaways?

  • Search volumes and traffic for high-intent phrases related to bankruptcy Law Firms have recovered from the drop we saw in March and April and are now stable or rising. 
  • Mobile search potentially means higher intent, but as we saw for one search query in Spanish, it’s relatively low, which comes in contrast to the usual Hispanic consumer. It might be a hint for Latinx professionals who are forced to stay home.  
  • Some experts predict a further increase in interest and volumes as the new normal tends to bring more economic struggles. 

Do you want to learn more about bankruptcy PPC, or are you interested in working with the best in bilingual PPC for law firms? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.