To be successful at marketing to the Latinx community in 2022, there’s no need for wild predictions. The facts below don’t lie. And using those facts to communicate better can make a significant impact on your Spanish marketing strategy. You may be surprised at the results if you start getting these things right:

What Is Lost In Translation?

Revenue! Translation is the enemy of your Spanish marketing strategy. I get it… translating your website, ad copy, and contracts from English to Spanish is efficient. But efficient does not mean effective. Instead, try transcreation, but more on that in a moment. The mistake most law firms make is trying to use an English strategy on a Hispanic market. It’s like trying a flea flicker in soccer! The fact is, your Latinx avatars have different needs and interests. It’s crucial to accept this truth so you can create website content that speaks to them naturally, ads where they see themselves reflected and copy that offers solutions to their specific issues. The right message will get the attention of this market.

Get Involved

Here’s a tough question to ask yourself. Are you giving your local Hispanic market meaningful reasons to choose you as their lawyer? I’m afraid experience and excellent results aren’t enough, not even mixed with a tempting cappuccino machine in the lobby. The truth is that every lawyer claims big-time experience and outstanding results, so that doesn’t set you apart from the pack. Do you know what will make you stand out? Showing up for your community before they need your services. Get involved. Be part of their fiestas and holidays, volunteer at community events, and educate your Hispanic market with helpful information that could help them avoid legal woes in the first place. Most importantly, support organizations that improve the quality of life of your community. Earn your Latinx market’s trust and respect before they need your help… they will not forget it.

Hire Latinx Talent

What better way to win your local Hispanic market than to provide the best client experience possible? To make that experience a reality, you’ll need to provide services in both English and Spanish. So crucial that both are at the same level of quality. Sound challenging? Passing the bar is challenging. This is a cinch when you hire local members of the Latinx community because they will enable you to make Spanish-speaking clients feel welcome and understood. Plus, your law firm will feel more inclusive toward this community, because you invested in them as part of your business. It’s a win-win.

Connect Via Mobile Devices

In case you didn’t know, Hispanics are smartphone power users and have been for close to ten years now. This means that we do everything on our phones, from infotainment to cultural connectivity and shopping. Can you guess what else we do on mobile devices? Ding, ding, ding – hire lawyers! If you want to be relevant to your local Hispanic market, you need to make your law firm discoverable via their mobile devices. But your mobile optimization shouldn’t stop with your marketing. That client experience we’ve been mentioning is enhanced just knowing they prefer text messages instead of email.

Don’t Assume Anything

Making assumptions can be costly, particularly during intake. Please do not assume that your Spanish-speaking callers know what qualifies or disqualifies them for a case. They contacted your team because they need guidance and don’t have all the answers – nor the right questions. Your team can earn their trust by asking plenty of questions and explaining the process, which can be totally alien to someone not familiar with the law. Rushing to qualify leads too soon, often with a single question, is ineffective, unprofessional, and may help your competition retire earlier.

The facts show that not many law firms marketing to the Latinx community are doing a great job at it. Some simple pivots can help you avoid leaving clients feeling unwelcome and money on the table. So if you want 2022 to be the year that you increase your Hispanic market caseload, take action on these five tips, and you will see results sooner than you might imagine.